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NET RecvGraph
From FenixWiki
INT NET_SendGraph ( <WORD connection> )
Receives a graph on the specified connection. With the data received on the connection, a new graph will be created in the system file and its graphID returned.
WORD connection | - The connection identifier. |
INT : The size of the successfully sent graph. With the separatorlength, if the separator was added.
NET_ERROR_INVALIDCONN | - The connection is invalid. |
NET_ERROR_CONNINACTIVE | - The connection is inactive. |
NET_ERROR_CREATINGGRAPH | - Could not create graphic. |
NET_ERROR_NONEWMESSAGE | - The incomingbuffer is empty. |
NET_ERROR_UNFINISHEDMESSAGE | - The message in the incomingbuffer is incomplete. |
NET_ERROR_SIZEMISMATCH | - Sizes do not match: tried to receive a non-existing graph. |
>=0 | - The graphID of the graphic created using the received data. |
Categories: Functions | Networkdll | Dll