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Blendop assign

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INT blendop_assign ( <INT fileID> , <INT graphID> , <INT blendopID> )

Assigns a blend operation to a graphic. The graphic will be drawn using this blend operation hereafter. Only one blend operation can be assigned to one graphic at a given time; when another is assigned, the previous one is unassigned.

To deassigning a blend table, using NULL as the blendopID.


INT fileID - The fileID of the file holding the graphic.
INT graphID - The graphID of the graphic to assign the blendop to.
INT blendopID - The blendopID of the blendop to assign (NULL for none).


INT : true

Blendops Functions
Blendop_apply() • Blendop_assign() • Blendop_free() • Blendop_grayscale() • Blendop_identity() • Blendop_intensity() • Blendop_new() • Blendop_swap() • Blendop_tint() • Blendop_translucency() •
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