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Get point

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INT Get_point ( <INT library> , <INT graph>, <INT number>, <INT x>, <INT y>)

This command allows you to obtain a control point of a particular graphic file.

Any graph can contain an undetermined number of control points where control point 0 is the centre of the graphic, and the rest are available to the user. This function allows you to know the location of any control point belonging to any graph.


INT library - Number of the FPG library.
INT graph - Number of the graph inside the library which you want to use.
INT number - Number of the control point (where control point 0 is the centre of the graphic).
INT x - Offset of a variable of entire type (INT) which will hold the horizontal coordinate(X) of the control point.
INT y - Offset of a variable of entire type (INT) which will hold the vertical coordinate(Y) of the control point.


INT : If the number of the control points specified is out of range, the function returns -1 and the variables x and y will not be modified. But if the control point is in range, but not defined, x and y will have the value -1.


In the rest of the cases, x and y will have the coordinates of the control point, then (0, 0) will represent the pixel located in the top left corner of the graph.


(no example yet)
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