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Get id

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[edit] Definition

INT get_id ( <INT processTypeID> )

Returns a ProcessID of a process of the specified ProcessType. On the next call of get_id() in the same process and in the same frame, the next process will be returned of the given type. After a frame statement, get_id() is reset and will return the first process of the given processType. When there are no more processes of a given type, which have not been returned, it will return 0.

get_id(0) returns processes of any type.

[edit] Parameters

INT processTypeID - The processTypeID of the processType to get the processes' processIDs of.

[edit] Returns

INT : The processID of a process of the given processType.

0 - There are no more processes of the given processType, which have not been returned.
>0 - The processID of a process of the given processType.

[edit] Example

Program example;
    signaltype(type Monkey,s_kill);

 * Empty process
Process Monkey()

 * Signals every process of type 't' the signal 'signal'.
Function int signaltype(int t, int signal)
    while( (x=get_id(t)) ) // while there is an unprocessed process left and store that in 'x'
        signal(x,signal); // signal the process with processID 'x'.

// Of course, the very observant of you already noticed that signaltype(my_type,my_signal)
// does the same thing as the function signal(my_type,my_signal), but this is just to
// illustrate the workings.

 * Signals every process the signal 'signal'.
Function int signalall(int signal)
    while( (x=get_id(0)) ) // while there is an unprocessed process left and store that in 'x'
        signal(x,signal); // signal the process with processID 'x'.

// get_id(0) returns a process of any type. This is a possible implementation of a
// function which signals all existing processes. Note that this can be dangerous to use,
// as in some cases you might want one or two processes to stay alive.

Used in example: signal()

Processinteraction Functions
Advance() • Collision() • Exists() • Get_angle() • Get_dist() • Get_id() • Let_me_alone() • Signal() • Xadvance() •
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