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INT Signal ( <INT processID|processType> , <INT signal> )

Allows one process to control another process in a limited number of ways, by sending signals.


INT - Nothing


INT processID|processType: The ProcessID of the process or the ProcessType of the type of processes to which the signal is to be sent. For a process to send a signal to itself, the local variable id can be used.

INT signal: The code of the signal that is to be sent to the target process. This parameter is passed by way of a set of predefined constants which denote the signal which is to be sent. These are listed here.


To obtain the processType of a function, the operator "Type" can be used.


Signal( get_id(type enemy) , s_kill ); //kills a process of type enemy
Signal( id , s_kill_tree ); //kills the process that calls it, and all of its sons, their sons, etc.
Signal( Type player , s_freeze ); //freezes all processes of type player so that they are still displayed, but do not execute any code.
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